G771K208A  G77X/77X系列流量控制伺服阀

G77X/77X系列流量控制伺服阀是3路和优选4路应用的节流阀。它们采用高性能的两级设计,额定流量范围为4至57升/分钟(1至15 gpm),阀芯位置压力降为210 bar(3000 psi)。


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产品介绍详情:G771K208A  G77X/77X系列流量控制伺服阀

G77X/77X系列流量控制伺服阀是3路和优选4路应用的节流阀。它们采用高性能的两级设计,额定流量范围为4至57升/分钟(1至15 gpm),阀芯位置压力降为210 bar(3000 psi)。




The G77X/77X Series flow control servo valves are throttlevalves for 3 and preferably 4-way applications. They area high performance, 2-stage design that covers the rangeof rated flows from 4 to 57 l/min (1 to 15 gpm) at 210 bar(3000 psi) valve pressure drop per spool land.
The output stage of the valve is a closed center, four-waysliding spool. The pilot stage is a symmetrical double-nozzleand flapper, driven by a double air gap, dry torque motor.Mechanical feedback of spool position is provided by acantilevered spring. The valve design is simple and ruggedfor dependable, long life operation.
These valves are suitable for electrohydraulic position,speed, pressure or force control systems with high dynamicresponse requirements. The G77X/77X is ideally suited forapplications where superior dynamics are a must.
Intrinsically safe valve versions are available for use inapplications with potentially hazardous environments.Specific models are certified to FM. ATEX.CSA. TIIS andECEx standards.

The G77X/77X Series is proven technology that performsreliably in machines where high performance, stability andaccuracy are required. Moog’s Mechanical Feedback Valvesare designed to provide high reliability and long service life

The G77X/77X Series Flow Control Servo Valve consistsof a polarized electrical torque motor and two stagesof hydraulic power amplification. The motor armatureextends into the air gaps of the magnetic flux circuit andis supported in this position by a flexure tube. The flexuretube acts as a seal between the electromagnetic andhydraulic sections of the valve. The 2 motor coils surroundthe armature, one on each side of the flexure tube.
The flapper of the first stage hydraulic amplifier is rigidlyattached to the midpoint of the armature. The flapperextends through the flexure tube and passes between 2nozzles, creating two variable orifices between the nozzletips and the flapper. The pressure controlled by the flapperand nozzle variable orifice is fed to the end areas of thesecond stage spool.

其他相关热卖型号:G771K208A  G77X/77X系列流量控制伺服阀

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