BP1.2-12 BB蓄电池BP1.2-12







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LARMTEC 模块 BP1.2-12 20211129_170826
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美国 全国、国外 一年
发货地点 发货方式 使用方式 适用行业
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铅蓄电池内的阳极(PbO2)及阴极(Pb)浸到电解液(稀硫酸)中,两极间会产生2V的电力,这是根据铅蓄电池原理,经由充放电,则阴阳极及电解液即会发生如下的变化:(阳极)(电解液)(阴极)PbO2+ +P.—>+2H20+(放电反应)(过氧化铅)(硫酸)(海绵状铅)Pb02中Pb的化合价降低,被还原,负电荷流动;海绵状铅中Pb的化合价升高,正电荷流动。[1](阳极)(电解液)(阴极)+2H20 +—> PbO2++ Pb(充电反应)(必须在通电条件下)―(硫酸铅)(水)(硫酸铅)*个硫酸铅中铅的化合价升高,被氧化,正电荷流入正极;第二个硫酸铅中铅的化合价降低,被还原,负电荷流入负极。[1]1.放电中的化学变化蓄电池连接外部电路放电时,稀硫酸即会与阴、阳极板上的活性物质产生反应生成新化合物『硫酸铅』。经由放电硫酸成分从电解液中释出,放电愈久,硫酸浓度愈稀薄。所消耗之成份与放电星成比例,只要测得电解液中的硫酸浓度,亦即测其比重,即可得知放电星或残余电星。―⒉.充电中的化学变化由于放电时在阳极板,阴极板上所产生的硫酸铅会在充电时被分解还原成碎酸,铅及过氧化铅因此电池内电解液的浓度逐渐增加,亦即电解液之比重上升,并逐渐回复到放电前的浓度,这种变化显示出蓄电池中的活性物质已还原到可以再度供电的状态,当两极的硫酸铝被还原成原来的活性物质时,即等于充电结束,而阴极板就产生氢,阳极板则产生氧,充电到后阶段时,电流几乎都用在水的电解,因而电解液会减少,此时应以纯水补充之。

BP200-12, BP160-12, BP120-12, BP100-12, BP65-12, BP40-12, BP33-12, BP26-12, BP17-12, BP12-12, BP7-12, BP5-12 and other bud battery professional room UPS uninterruptible power supply, DC screen, EPS Emergency lighting, fire, safety and alarm monitoring traffic and navigation signal lights; Electrical equipment, medical equipment and instruments; Radio communication system; Telephone exchange office automation system; Power station, switch control and accident lighting; ? Portable electrical and mining systems; Direct current power supply for standby power plants and hydropower stations; Railway DC power supply for substation switch control system; Solar energy, wind energy storage system, mobile station.
BB battery product principle and action:
The anode (PbO2) and cathode (Pb) in the lead battery are immersed in the electrolyte (dilute sulfuric acid), and 2V power will be generated between the poles. This is based on the principle of lead battery, through charging and discharging, The anode and cathode and electrolyte will occur the following changes :(anode)(electrolyte)(cathode)PbO2+ +P.– >+2H20+(discharge reaction)(lead peroxide)(sulfuric acid)(cavernous lead)Pb02 in Pb valence reduced, was reduced, negative charge flow; In the spongiform lead, the valence of Pb increases and the positive charge flows. [1] (anode) (electrolyte) (cathode) + 2 h20 + – > PbO2 + + Pb (charging response) under the condition of electricity (required) – (lead sulfate) (water) (lead sulfate) * of the lead in a lead sulfate higher valence, oxidized, positive charge into the positive; In the second lead sulfate, the valence of the lead is reduced, and the negative charge flows into the negative electrode. [1]1. Chemical changes in discharge When the battery is connected to an external circuit, dilute sulfuric acid will react with active substances on the negative and positive plates to produce a new compound “lead sulfate”. The sulfuric acid component is released from the electrolyte by discharge. The longer the discharge, the thinner the sulfuric acid concentration. The component consumed is proportional to the discharge star, as long as the concentration of sulfuric acid in the electrolyte is measured, that is, the specific gravity, discharge star or residual star can be known. Chemical change in charge because the lead sulfate produced on the anode plate and cathode plate during discharge will be decomposed and reduced to broken acid when charging, lead and lead peroxide so that the concentration of electrolyte in the battery gradually increased, that is, the proportion of electrolyte rose, and gradually returned to the concentration before discharge, This change shows that the active substance in the battery has been reduced to the state of power supply again, when the two poles of aluminum sulfate is reduced to the original active substance, that is, is equal to the end of the charge, and the cathode plate produces hydrogen, the anode plate produces oxygen, charging to the later stage, the current is almost used in water electrolysis, so the electrolyte will be reduced, at this time should be supplemented by pure water.