G428-0001 隔离器 原装正品

G428-0001 隔离器 原装正品

主要经销的品牌: ABB、 A-B、GE、英维斯、福克斯波罗、西屋、摩托罗拉、霍尼韦尔、艾默生、 安川,山洋, 松下,伍德沃德,瑞恩,富士,博士力士乐,横河,等品牌同时渠道资源丰富,供应很多停产缺货,冷门的型号产品。有需要可以询价,感谢支持

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品牌 品名 产品型号 订货号
LANDERT 模块 G428-0001
产地 可售卖地 是否进口 保修期
美国 全国、国外 一年
发货地点 发货方式 使用方式 适用行业
厦门 顺丰快递 调试安装 电厂钢厂水泥厂船舶造纸
服务优势 国外进口 、 备货供应、 价格合适、品质可靠 订货
产品特点 一手货源、  按型号供货 售后有保障 何经理180,5988-4797




  • J型热电偶的现场可配置输入范围
  • 消除接地环路
  • 现场可配置输出范围为4至20 mA
  • 用于高密度安装的超薄外壳
  • 灵活的电源支持9至30伏DC
  • 增强可靠性的ASIC技术
  • 通过无铅认证


该装置配有一个双功能LED信号监视器。绿色前置LED指示DC电源和输入信号状态。激活的DC功率由点亮的LED指示。如果输入信号超过满量程范围的110 %, LED将以1 Hz的频率闪烁。低于-10%,闪烁频率为0.5 Hz。如果LED闪烁非常快,则RTD输入线开路。8赫兹闪烁表示RTD (+)输入(端子41)开路,或者4赫兹闪烁表示RTD (-)或RTD回路(端子42或43)开路。在正常操作条件下,校准指示灯亮起。如果设备通电时CAL LED熄灭,请向工厂寻求帮助。


  • 高密度安装
  • 消除任何来源的接地环路
  • 输入输出信号调节


Eurotherm G428-0001.V1 Offers

Ideal for high-density installations, this T/C input field configurable isolator features a dual-function LED signal monitor.


  • Field configurable input ranges for J type thermocouples
  • Eliminates ground loops
  • Field configurable output range is 4 to 20 mA
  • Ultra slim housing for high density installations
  • Flexible power supply accepts 9 to 30 V DC
  • ASIC technology for enhanced reliability
  • RoHS compliant

Diagnostic LED

This unit is equipped with a dual function LED signal monitor. The green, front mounted LED indicates both DC power and input signal status. Active DC power is indicated by an illuminated LED. If the input signal is more than 110% of the full scale range, the LED will flash at 1 Hz. Below -10%, the flash rate is 0.5 Hz. If the LED flashes very fast, then the RTD input wires are open circuit. An 8 Hz flash indicates that RTD (+) input (terminal 41) is open circuit, or a 4 Hz flash indicates that either RTD (-) or RTD Return (terminal 42 or 43) are open. The CAL LED is on under normal operating conditions. If the CAL LED is off when the unit is powered, consult the factory for assistance.


  • High density installations
  • Eliminates ground loops from any source
  • I/O signal conditioning