R88M-K7K515C-S2 KuKa 伺服电动机
购买咨询热线:18059884797 (微信同号)
地 址:福建省漳州开发区南滨大道429号招商局芯云谷3号楼217-01
- R88MK7K515CS2
- 伺服电动机
- 奥姆努克G5系列
- 7.5千瓦
- 一
- 500转/分钟
- 400伏交流电
- 用钥匙和水龙头
- 在正常或模式模式下,可以读取QR码和数据矩阵
- 可调快门速度
- 可以用滤波功能处理图像,以增强边缘和减少背景噪声
- 图像分析功能
- 存储器中最多可存储24幅图像
- 更大的定位公差
- 与旧数据矩阵和数据矩阵ECC200兼容
欧姆龙V530-R150 2D读码器具有多种照明功能,可响应各种应用。该单元提供对智能光源的控制,并且图像分析功能使得在读取为ng判断时容易确定错误的原因。V530的易失性存储器中可存储多达24幅图像,允许用户确定发生了何种错误。使用场景功能可以设置多达10组不同的读取条件。
Omron NT620C-ST141B-E (NT620CST141E) is an NT series touch screen with operating interface. The size of the display touch screen is 180.5mm x 263.5 (7.11 inches x 10.37 inches). The front panel measures 196mm x 275 (7.72 inches x 10.83 inches), has a depth of 76.8mm (3.02 inches) and weighs 9.7 pounds. The LCD screen resolution of NT620C-ST141B-E is 640 x 480 pixels. This touch screen is black and uses 8 colors. The DC voltage of NT620C-ST141B-E operator interface is 24V, which generates 20W.
NT620C-ST141B-E can use NT series support tools to quickly make graphics and programs. Easy-to-use software is also integrated in the touch screen, allowing users to perform the aforementioned operations. The NT620C-ST141B-E can also be quickly fixed through its communication with the host link or NT link communication, as described below.
There are many communication methods for the NT620C-ST141B-E touch screen: host link, NT 1:1 and 1:N link and memory link. The host link is built into the interface. This host link allows communication between the interface and the CPU module in CQM1 configuration. The baud rate of this communication ranges from 9600 to 19,200 bps, and the response speed is usually 0.5 seconds. NT link 1.1 of NT620C-ST141B-E is the fastest communication mode of Omron. It reacts within 0.2 seconds at most. NT link 1:N allows multiple connections between multiple machines. The memory link allows direct connection from Omron third-party host through RS-232C or RS-422A communication.
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NT631-ST211-EV2 | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 | V700-L22 | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 |
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NS5-SQ00B-V1 | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 | V620-H01 | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 |
NT631C-ST152B-EV2 | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 | V530-R160-H | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 |
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Z510-SW6 | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 | V530-R150EP-3 | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 |
Z510-SW17 | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 | V400-F350 | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 |
Z500-SW17 | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 | V400-F250 | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 |
Z4M-T30V2 | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 | S3200-LSUO3-V1 | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 |
Z4M-N30V-01 | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 | S3200-LSU03-01E | KuKa 库卡 | 模块 |