UTLH21 USIO21 统一控制器nv系列

东芝最新的工业控制器,统一的nvSeries控制器,是一个巨大的进步,超越了现有的v系列在世界各地的工业使用。功能包括高速逻辑,排序。电机调速,连续控制。高速l/0通信采用业界首个100Mbps容错环形网络“TC-net l/0”连接远程,现场安装//O。


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产品细节:UTLH21 USIO21 统一控制器nv系列

东芝最新的工业控制器,统一的nvSeries控制器,是一个巨大的进步,超越了现有的v系列在世界各地的工业使用。功能包括高速逻辑,排序。电机调速,连续控制。高速l/0通信采用业界首个100Mbps容错环形网络“TC-net l/0”连接远程,现场安装//O。
容错环100mbps lO通信



外壳。典型的现场框宽1200mm,高2100 mm,深600mm。外壳左侧包含断路器,电源和其他组件,右侧包含dln导轨安装的l/O模块。外壳额定lP54。其他尺寸可用于适应应用,如基座或壁挂式。
电气室外壳。这是用于现场lO的相同尺寸的外壳,但与电气tc -net l/0电缆连接到Sl0模块。如果线缆距离需要,则使用光接口。控制器的安排可以为多达三个cpu。该外壳等级为lP20


Toshiba’s latest industrial controller, the Unified nvSeries controller,is a big step beyond the existingV series used in industry around the world. Thecapabilities include high-speed logic, sequencing.motor speed control, and continuous control. Highspeed l/0 communication uses the industry’s first 100Mbps fault tolerant ring network “TC-net l/0” linkingremote,field mounted //O.
The main features of this powerful controller are:
Fault tolerant ring 100 Mbps lO communication
Enhanced speed by directexecution oflECstandardcontrol languages in ASlC hardware
Higher reliability using redundant modules, anderror checking and correcting ECC memory
Gigabit supervisory control network

To reduce hundreds of long wiring runs between theelectrical room and the machinery,the nv controllerfeatures field mountable /O modules communicatingwith the controller over an optical loop. Using thisapproach,wiring material and labor costs can be
greatly reduced.To protect the modules againstconditions close to the machinery,the enclosureis rated lP54,which gives protection against dust,vibration,water splash and drips. Field l/O is housedin cabinets like the one shown below.

Two networks link the controller with the inputoutput modules:The Electrical ring (blue) services l/O local to the controllerThe Optical ring (red) services field distributed l/O local to themachinery. Field l/O is housed in the cabinet shown below.

Field Enclosure. The typical field enclosure is 1200mm wide,2100 mm high,and 600 mm deep. Theenclosure contains thecircuitbreakers,powersupplies and other components on the left hand sideand the DlN-rail mounted l/O modules on the rightThe enclosure is rated lP54. Other sizes are availableto suit the application,such as pedestal or wall mount.
Electric Room Enclosure.This is the same sizeenclosure used for the field lO,but with electricTC-net l/0 cabling to the Sl0 modules. An opticalinterface is used if cabling distance requires one.Controller arrangements can be made for up to threeCPUs. This enclosure rating is lP20

推荐主营型号:UTLH21 USIO21 统一控制器nv系列

T9451数字输出单工控制器模块集成电路三工 HENF315276R1控制模块横丝
PR9376/20转速传感器EPRO O3EGb HENF315118R2控制模块横丝
MVI69L-MBS通信模块ProSoft O3ED控制模块横丝
Tcm08a人机界面总线卡单元 O3ES HENF445789R1控制模块横丝
DS200SDCCG1AFD驱动控制板通用电气公司 E3EB HENF315129R1控制模块横丝
内华达州本特利公司的双线传感器 HENF318736R1控制模块横丝
FC-TSAI-1620M安全管理系统模块 hesg 324015 R1/K/hesg 324258 R3/I/hesg 448230 R1输入输出模块横丝
8937-HN光纤扩展 HESG441635R1 HESG216877K电源控制器横丝
T8431可信TMR 24Vdc模拟输入模块国际外科医生协会(International College of Surgeons)三路 3BHE023784 IGCT模块横丝
易进-3500-5/P2 8440-2145并联发电机组控制器伍德沃德 TB820V2 3BSE013208R1总线ABB调制解调器
Mtl838b-mbf MBF接收机MTL 1TGE120028R0010人机系统接口横丝
CB06561 PRD-B040SSLZ-62驱动科尔摩根 DDC779BE02 3BHE006805R0002以太网控制模块横丝
api480g到直流电隔离信号调节器绝对 3BHE009017R0102 VLSCD板横丝
电路板模块 3BSE028140R0065张力电子产品横丝
Cb06551 prd – b040ssi -63伺服科尔摩根 CI860K01 3BSE032444R1基金会现场总线卫生与安全执行委员会接口横丝
SC-UCMX01 51307198-175远程终端单元霍尼韦尔 CI854K01 3BSE025961R1通信接口模块横丝
NW-BM85C002桥接多路复用模块施耐德 HESG441633R1 HESG216875/K控制器模块横丝
is 200 turh 1 CFD标志视觉识别系统卡通用电气公司 PFTL201C 3BSE007913R50 50KN压力垫块称重传感器横丝
Is220pdiah1b输入/输出封装 SCYC51020 58052582G脉冲触发板横丝







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